Kamis, 02 Agustus 2012

Cute Postcards

TW-477624 is my second postcard that I’ve received (from Taiwan). Six types of dogs look so cute. This postcard was sent on February 23, 2012 by a mother of three children named Lin Linghui. Writen on postcard wake me up when your postcard comes. Absolutely I resgistered the postcard soon and I said “WOW!”, after I found it on the floor when I was arriving at home from my school. I think the postman slipped the postcard under the door because no one at home at that time. There are 3 stamps attached on this postcard and I do love it!

The Real Messi
taken from google
The twelfth postcard that I’ve received via postcrossing. UA-242926 is a quadrilateral postcard from Lviv, Ukraine. You must have heard about Ukraine. Yap! The host of EURO 2012, besides Poland. Sent by Natasha on March 24, 2012. I think she really understood what postcard that I want to get. That’s a oil painting postcard. Lionel Messi wears old F.C. Barcelona’s kit. Beside Messi is a player of F.C. Metalist. Look at Messi’s face.. he looks chubby and fatter than The Real Messi LOL. But that’s a very good painting and looks so cute ^^

Doesn’t it look so cute? A postcard of Dutch girl from the south of Holland. But nowadays the dutch girls do not wear that clothes anymore (maybe now is modern era :D). Do you know flowers frame on that postcard is a motif that often use in various forms of woman clothes in Indonesia now.

taken from google
The last is a postcard from Russian cartoon film. A girl who as small as a thumb. I watched her story on TV when I was a kid. RU-1003055 sent on May 26, 2012 from Maxim. Interesting thing of these postcards is the stamp of the WWF. It’s so special for me because I never got a WWF stamp. So, that's my first WWF stamp.

Minggu, 08 Juli 2012

Postcard from New Zealand


Port Chalmers is the main port of Dunedin, New Zealand. This is the only one postcard from New Zealand that I’ve received. It was traveling for 15 days. The sender say that is a small town near her, a busy international container port.
 I like that postcard because it shows many buildings, railway, roads, and also the natures of New Zealand. I also found a barn with red paint, that I only could see on “Dora the explorer” when I was a kid.

Look at the barn behind the monkey.
taken from google

common barns in Indonesia
taken from google

Wooooowwwww... I was amazed because barn that I watched on “Dora the explorer” is really exist in abroad. Indonesia people don’t build a barn like that, they build barns usually from bamboo and wood to store the harvest.So I never see a barn look like in New Zealand or on Dora the explorer.  I told to my friends that the barn is really exist, also showed the postcard and they said “Is this a real barn ?” hahaha... LOL.

When I’m looking at this postcard I feel I want to go around this town by bike, visit some interesting building (the barn of course), and enjoy the beauty of Dunedin. What an amazing scenery!

Thank you Sally J

Jumat, 25 Mei 2012

My First Postcard

Yeah.. this is it! This is my first postcard that I received. It came from Italy, sent by a woman named Simona. She said she bought the postcard in France. Wow it's amazing! Because I'm the one of those who love French.
Written on a postcard in French "the guests of Zulaykha (Potiphar's wife), dazzled by the beauty of Joseph, cut their..." (I don't know the next meaning) and there are Arabic writings below the picture of postcard.
I got my postcard on 7 of March 2012, I was doing an exam at that time, after I finished my exam I checked my cell phone and my mom sent me a short message, she said that the postman has delivered my postcard from Italy and she put it on my bed.
woooooww... I was very happy, finally I got my first postcard since I joined postcrossing 181 days (about 6 months) ago. After I got my first postcard, I felt I want to send more and more postcards and exploring the world by postcards that I've received.
Thank you Simona, thank you postcrossing, and do not forget thank you postman :D

Senin, 21 Mei 2012


taken from www.google.co.id

Have you heard about postcrossing project?
It seems not many people know about it.
Postcrossing is a project that allow a postcrosser to send a postcard to other postcrosser in the world randomly and he/she will get at least one postcard back  from another postcrosser from somewhere in the world. For me postcrossing is a way to explore all over the world by postcards and find out the beauties in every country, because every country has its own beauty and uniqueness.
First of all, you need to have an account on www.postcrossing.com then you need to input your identities and your address clearly. You also can upload an avatar for your account.
Then request an address by clicking "Send a postcard". Read the direction then check on check box and request an address. And your postcard will go to somewhere in the world. If you find difficulties to read and write the address, you can print the address.
Do not forget to write the postcard ID on postcard that you going to send, but please write your postcard ID rather far from the place of writing the address. Postcard ID is a serial number of postcard from your own country, it’s important because the receiver will register your postcard by the postcard ID and it make the sending status “Traveling” to “Registered”.  For the begginer postcrosser, you can send at least 5 postcards to different people.
Then mail the postcards to the nearest post office from your house. If you only sent a postcard, at least you will get a postcard back. But remember, someone who  sent  a postcard to you isn’t someone who you send a postcard.
You need to wait to receive a postcard and after you get a postcard, register postcard that you received using postcard ID written on a postcard. Then you’ll know who sent you a beautiful postcard.
I knew this project from my English teacher, she taught me about postcrossing, and showed me the postcards that she have received and I interested to join postcrossing. It also help me to learn English more and cultures of countries in the world, even cultures of my own country. I always write a lot on my postcard and try to explain about the picture of postcard that I’m going to send as clear as I can or maybe I explain about my country, my hometown, and my life.

Happy postcrossing! :D

Senin, 13 Februari 2012

Seminar Hamster

Pada 11 Februari 2012, aku dan teman-temanku (cucup) mengadakan seminar hamster di rumahku. Sebenarnya seminar hamster ini hanya perkumpulan para pemilik hamster yang terdiri dari teman-temanku di sekolah. Kita berkumpul dirumahku dengan membawa hamster masing-masing beserta kandangnya yang warna warni ^^

Acaranya dimulai setelah kita pulang sekolah, pesertanya adalah, saya sendiri, Debrina, Audy, Leli, Afifah, Nella, dan Rica. Sayang sekali salah satu temanku tidak dapat hadir, namanya Riris. Tidak semua nama teman-temanku yang aku sebutkan memiliki hamster, yang tidak memiliki hamster ada 4 orang, yaitu Afifah, Nella, Rica, dan Riris. Afifah sebenarnya mau memelihara hamster tapi orang tuanya tidah mengijinkkan dan Rica memang tipe orang yang bukan penyayang binatang.

David Villa dan Aurora romantis sekali yah
Aku punya dua pasang hamster yaitu sepasang jenis winter white sapphire yang aku beri nama David Villa dan Aurora dan sepasang campbell  panda, serta 9 anakan hamster hasil perkawinan setiap pasang hamster. Anak dari WW-sapphire ada 3 keturunan, keturunan pertama ada 4 ekor WW-sapphire yang aku beri nama Messi dan Benzema, yang 2 ekor sudah saya jual ke Audy.

turunan WW-sapphire ketiga
Turunan yang kedua berjumlah 4 ekor, 1 ekor diantaranya adalah WW-golden. Wow amazing! Aku tidak pernah mendapatkan turunan hamster jenis WW-golden.
Turunan ketiga yang lahir tanggal 29 Januari 2012 ada 6 ekor, saat ini usianya masih sekitar 2 minggu.

winter white golden
Benzema dan satu ekor turunan yang kedua jenis WW-sapphire aku berikan kepada saudaraku yang dari dulu pengen memelihara hamster. Sedangkan sepasang WW-sapphire hasil turunan kedua aku jual ke teman ibuku. Yang WW-golden aku pelihara sendiri aja deh .. Lucu sih ^o^

Kalau Messi memang tidak aku jual karena dia gesit banget, larinya kenceng, makanya aku beri nama Messi karena dia larinya cepat seperti bintang FC Barcelona Lionel Messi ;)
Dulu emang mau dibeli sama Leli tapi setelah aku pikir-pikir aku tidak rela menjual hamster WW-golden ku. Jadi maaf yah leli :')
Sehingga jenis WW-sapphire ku adalah sepasang indukan (David Villa dan Aurora), Messi, WW-golden (belum aku beri nama, ada saran?), dan 6 ekor WW-sapphire yang baru lahir.

Campbell panda, blackbeer, dan albino
keluarga panda
Sepasang campbell panda sudah sering beranak, kira-kira sudah 4 kali, subur banget yah :D. Rata-rata jenis anaknya adalah campbell panda, campbell blackbeer, dan campbell albino. Tetapi anakan jenis campbell albino tidak ada yang hidup, rata-rata mati pada usia sekitar 2 minggu. Sekarang aku hanya memiliki sepasang indukan campbell panda dan seekor anakan panda yang siap jual :D

Hamster milik Debrina jenisnya adalah Syirian, hamsternya gede banget bulunya berwarna coklat muda dan putih, serta memiliki mata berwarna hitam, tapi kasian kandangnya kecil :D jadi hamsternya kurang bisa bergerak bebas. Ssstt.. hamsternya itu hadiah dari pacarnya (Tito Laksmana) sewaktu mereka masih PDKT loh hihi.. Hamsternya ini diberi nama Bondan.

4 ekor hamster milik Leli
Leli punya banyak banget hamster, tapi kemarin waktu seminar hamster dia membawa jenis seekor Winter White pearl, Winter White blue argente, dan Winter White pearl white eared. Usianya masih sekitar  3 minggu.

Kemudian hamster milik Audy adalah dua ekor turunan pertama dari indukan WW-sapphire ku, jenisnya adalah Winter white golden sapphire. Warna bulunya hampir mirip dengan winter white sapphire namun warna putihnya lebih dominan di bagian kepalanya. Hamster milik Audy diberi nama Bebo dan Debo. Saat seminar hamster yang dibawa hanya Bebo, Debo ditinggal dirumah bersama mamanya Audy :D

Bagi teman-teman yang tidak tahu tentang apa saja macam-macam jenis hamster, dapat pergi ke link ini http://mucozz.wordpress.com/category/jenis-hamster-2/